Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The End of Bratz Games?

It may very well be the end of the Bratz games. A judge in the case between Mattel, the company that makes Barbie games, and the company that makes Bratz games has instructed that all Bratz dolls be pulled from the shelves by February 11, 2009. If you have a Bratz doll, hold onto it – it might really be worth something some day.

Bratz have only been around a short time in the history of fashion dolls. Barbie will be turning fifty soon, and the Bratz aren’t even ten yet. When they appeared Bratz games caused quite a stir, and they continue to cause one now with this big ruling. Bratz games were the only competition Barbie ever had, and now with the judges ruling, the Bratz games might be gone for good...or maybe not.

The judge has made a ruling, but of course the make of Bratz games has appealed it. The court cases will continue and it might be that Mattel gets money for every Bratz doll produced or possibly that Mattel will take the dolls and make Bratz games under their own brand. Whatever happens, it’s certainly going to be interesting.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bratz Games and Fashion

If I were to put Bratz games into a category, it would very easily by “fashion.” Why? Because the Bratz, whether as dolls, movies or online dress up games, are all about fashion and being at the front edge of what is popular and what is not.

The Bratz defined a whole new era of fashion doll. Before there was only Barbie with her clean cut ways and classic figure. But when the Bratz dolls arrived on the scene, they brought with them an entirely new kind of wardrobe – a hip urban one. Even Barbie was caught off guard by how quickly this kind of stylish fashion doll was snatched off the shelves.

Bratty fashions are easy to duplicate, but much harder to pull together yourself. Much of the Bratz fashion is about finding unique pieces that have a special character to them or look a certain way. The Bratz girls don’t just pull on jeans and a t-shirt after all. If you ever find yourself in a fashion crisis, simply pull out your Bratz doll, copy her outfit and you’ll be doing just fine.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Three Ways to Learn from Bratz Games

Want to learn something new over your winter vacation? Look no farther than your favorite Bratz games. They have plenty to teach you.

Bratz games teach you patience. When it comes to dressing up your Bratz dolls online, you can’t just slap some clothing together. You have to take your time and plan outfits accordingly. Do this a few dozen times and you’ll learn that getting mad and frustrated just destroys the fun of the game – who wants that?

Bratz games teach you persistence. It’s very likely you won’t find the best outfit possible the first time you pull something together. You’ll have to try again and again to make the perfect match as well as finding just the right accessories. It’s all part of the game and without persistence you’ll never find the best that you can really create.

Bratz games will teach you simple pleasures. With high tech gadgets and video games, there isn’t much out there that is just simple fun. Bratz games are a classic example of why paper dolls and now online dress up games have always been simply fun.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bratz Games Aren’t Bad!

I can’t tell you how many articles and such I’ve come across telling the world that the Bratz games are bad for us. Sure, some of the clothing might be a bit loose, but here are a few reasons why Bratz games are anything but bad for the girls who like to play them.

Bratz Games Teach Fashion Skills
For those who love fashion, there is no better instructor than the Bratz games. You can play with urban fashion at its finest – all without leaving your house.

Bratz Games Teach Us Creativity
It’s interesting that creativity is one of those things that everyone looks for in our education, yet most of it comes from things like Bratz games. To do well in the games, you have to be creative. Building creativity is a good thing. Therefore, Bratz games must be good for us.

Bratz Games Entertain Us
If we’re playing Bratz games, we’re certainly not out joining gangs or getting in trouble with the law. And that must surely be a good thing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

How Much Do You Love Bratz Games?

So how much do you really love Bratz games? A little? A lot? Let’s find out, shall we?

I Like Them A Little
If you are willing to play Bratz games while you wait on your BFF to send you a reply email, you like them a little. You’ll know it’s more than just like when you actually want to sit down and play only Bratz games instead of the first thing that comes along.

I Love Them
So when you sit down at the computer, do you almost immediately log into one of your favorite sites for a bit of Bratz game time? If so, you definitely love the Bratz games. In fact, you can be sure it’s love when you get annoyed with your friends for IMing you during important wardrobe choices.

I Adore Them
You’ve reached a level of adoration when you know ever Bratz game out there and rank them according to your own criteria. This is the best for hair…this is the best for clothes…this is the best for shoes…etc….

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bratz Games and Babysitting

If you happen to be a babysitter, your Bratz collection is a great addition to your backpack of tricks. Next to the markers and coloring books, you can throw in your Bratz dolls, Bratz Kidz and Bratz Babyz. Having all of the collections on hand will give you options when it’s time to find something entertaining for the young charges to do.

The Young Crowd
If you’re babysitting a toddler, she won’t care which of the dolls she gets to play with since she can’t really process the kind of clothing the dolls are wearing. In general, however, you should use the Bratz Babyz with young children as they are larger and easier to handle. Plus they look more like the kids. If you use the Bratz with little kids, be very careful and never offer them anything with small pieces that can be swallowed.

The Older Crowd
The older children are much more discerning. For these, you’ll want to pull out all of your dolls and let them decide which to play with. Bring along all the extra outfits, of course, and give them free run to dress the dolls and play with them in any fashion so long as they aren’t hurt and you get everyone back into the backpack when it’s time to go home.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Becoming a Brat – Great Bratz Games

I think I might become a Brat. I’d like to be considered an urban fashion icon with big beautiful eyes and a great sense of style. As of right now, I’m on my way up, but haven’t gotten there yet. To become one of the Bratz, I’ll need to sort through my favorite Bratz games to find the one that brings me closest to my goal.

Bratz Dress Up – I can hop online and find a Bratz doll base that resembles me to use in the dress up games. This way I can see how I would look with certain hairstyles and with certain kinds of outfits. Even if I can’t really pretend I’m the character on screen, I can still have a good time dressing up the doll in my own fashion designs.

Bratz Makeover – Another option would be to use the Bratz dolls as inspiration for my own brand of makeover. To do this you simply pick the Bratz doll that looks the most like you – should be easy since there are so many different ethnicities to pick from – and then you model your style after that doll. This is my favorite as it requires more effort and fun, especially if you get a group of friends together who all want to play along.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Have You Tried Bratz Games Lately?

School seems to get insanely busy right before the holiday break. It’s as if teachers have to cram in as much as possible before sending students free into the world – as if we’d remember all of that stuff anyway. But what all that education does seem to do is to eliminate our free time. How can you be playing around online if you’re busy doing homework?

But as the higher work loads start to lighten, you’ll find the holidays right around the corner and plenty of time to try out the kinds of hobbies and games you haven’t been able to play in a very long time. With this new time and dedication to fun, have you tried Bratz games lately?

There are many different kinds of Bratz games you can try, and with such a variety, you’re sure to find the right one for your interests. In fact, I full expect you to find five or six that you really like. It’s easy to spend an entire afternoon pulling out new looks for your online Bratz dolls and trying out different clothing styles and haircuts. Enjoy yourself and bookmark the pages. You’ll discover that coming back to these Bratz games during stressful times at school is great for relaxing when things get tough.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas and Bratz

It’s interesting, I’ve noticed more Bratz dolls in the store than Barbie dolls – for the most part. Now, I love them both, but Bratz dolls have had a rough year, so I didn’t really know what to expect as we got closer to the Christmas shopping season. But it looks like Bratz are still going strong despite the lawsuit over who owns the dolls and now they will have a Merry Christmas indeed.

Bratz Games for Christmas
I think every girl over the age of ten should have a Bratz doll for Christmas. The dolls are much more fun than a Barbie if you like the edgier, hipper clothing and plenty of attitude. In fact, Bratz make the perfect gift for your friends over the holidays. There are so many different sizes of Bratz dolls that you can certainly find something in your price range.

Give your friends the Bratz doll that seems to best represent who they are and write them a quick note telling each friend why you think their Bratz game is suited just to them. Then, once your Bratz crew is complete, you can carry your dolls around school for the day, make them part of a special club or just put them on your desk at home to remind you of your friends all year long.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Bratz Games

Christmas break is coming, and there is no better time than a vacation from school to settle down with your Bratz games. Bratz games are a great way to exercise the mind in ways that school could never hope to replicate and using the old brain while playing Christmas Bratz games might just keep it in shape long enough to bridge the gap between semesters.

What Christmas Bratz Games?
So you might be wondering what options are available when it comes to Christmas games. The best thing about it, is that there are endless options. You can start online by finding all of the flash Bratz games and playing with Bratz dress up games. You might get lucky enough to find a version of Bratz dress up that includes holiday costumes – maybe a funky Santa suit!

Or if you’re ready to take your Bratz games offline, you can play with your actual dolls. Throw a Christmas party and let your dolls get the room ready for the big event. Hang decorations and choose the music. Get everyone dressed in their best attire and then let the good times roll. You might even invite Barbie since your Bratz dolls will be having such a good time.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bratz Games Top the Holiday List

I was walking through the toy aisle the other day and noticed that there were almost more Bratz dolls than there were other types of fashion dolls. This is a pretty big deal considering there was only one type of fashion doll for decades. But this holiday season, it’s all about the Bratz dolls.

Bratz Games
What started as four friends has spread to a huge line of Bratz dolls. Walking down that aisle, I saw Bratz fashion dolls, Bratz Boyz, Bratz Babyz, all of the various accessories and dolls of varying size. Some Bratz games were almost lifesize, well not really, while others were small enough to fit in your pocket.

It’s amazing really how varied the Bratz games have become. Of course, when you stop to look at how many Bratz games there are and notice just how many options you have when it comes to gifts available in the store, it’s clear to see why Bratz are such a popular choice – there are more options available, and there seems to be an option for almost every age group.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Bratz Games Make Waiting for the Holidays Easier

You like Bratz games. You like the holidays. You hate waiting for the holidays to get here though, just like the rest of us. Fortunately, there are Bratz games out there that make the waiting less painful.

Bratz Game – The Ultimate Distraction
With the holiday season right around the corner, it’s hard to wait for presents, tress and carols. But Bratz games do a nice job of providing a bit of distraction. There are plenty of Bratz games available with more coming out all the time. This means you have a constant supply of fashion games to play.

When you have something fun to do that challenges you and allows you to use creativity, it’s easy to find ways to push your anticipation for the holidays aside, at least while you are at home. It’s much harder, however, to not get excited about the holidays (and feel just how long the wait time is) when you’re at school.

If possible take breaks throughout the day to hop on the library computers to play a few rounds of Bratz games or bring your smaller dolls with you to school to keep yourself occupied while you wait and wait for Christmas vacation to arrive.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

It’s a Bratz Christmas

What’s going to be waiting for many young girls under the tree this year? Chances are it won’t be a new Barbie doll. Bratz games are taking the country by storm, and with so many lines of dolls available there seems to be a Bratz game for everyone.

The older crowd appreciates the original Bratz dolls and characters. These girls have guy friends (the Bratz Boyz) to round out the collection as well as a huge array of accessories and fun options. I believe you can buy a Hummer for your Bratz dolls to drive around, for example.

The younger crowd can still enjoy Bratz dolls without getting into the super urban fashion that is more suitable for older crowds. Baby Bratz are more exciting than regular dolls, but they are truly babies. This means the dolls are a good match for little sisters and those older girls who also like to collect different kinds of Bratz dolls.

All Bratz are good Bratz. All Bratz are good Bratz to collect at Christmas, however. There are singing Bratz and fashion Bratz. There are Bratz movies, posters and even toothbrushes. Whatever type of Bratz game you like best, you can rest assured it will be under someone’s tree this holiday season.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What’s the Big Deal About Bratz Games?

You’ve heard about them and maybe seen a few in stores, but what is the big deal about Bratz games anyway? In short, many love the Bratz games because they are real.

No, the dolls aren’t going to come to life and speak to you, obviously, but the outfits, the language, the hairstyles and the music are all parts of our world today. I don’t know anyone who actually dresses the way Barbie does, although I do love my Barbie games, too. But I could very easily name many girls who seem to base their entire wardrobe on the latest online Bratz game.

Bratz are many things that kids really like. They are urban – not really preppy, but very trendy and stylish. More like fashion models and thrift store queens than Hollister girls. Bratz like edgy boys. No offense, Ken, but you’re a bit too pretty for most girls. They want boys who know how to dance and dress and don’t look like they might be running for president in the next four years.

Bratz games are fun – with a huge number of online dress up games for Bratz, you can play with your dolls and then switch to the internet when you get bored. There is an almost endless supply of Bratz games to play.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Bratz Games 101

If you’re a bit out of the loop and trying to get in, you might not be up to date on the revolution in the fashion doll industry. It’s not just about Barbie anymore – it’s all about the Bratz.

Bratz Games
The Bratz hit the scene a few years ago. Four dolls represented four friends who lived in a fashionista, urban, trendy way. The Bratz are a mix of races and styles, but all are urban and edgy. They are opinionated, like to do things their way, and aren’t afraid of a little controversy.

In fact, they have had more than a bit of drama in the last year or two. Since the introduction of the dolls, they have been considered a bit too scandalous for younger children with short skirts and “sexy” expressions. But recently the manufacturer of the dolls was sued for rights of the dolls claiming the idea for the Bratz games originated from a Mattel employee. Apparently Mattel was right and they won the rights to the Bratz games. The future of the now much expanded line of urban youngsters is yet to be determined.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bratz Games and Me

I’ll readily admit I play Bratz games. I don’t have much of a Bratz doll collection at home, but I became intrigued one day and watched the Bratz movie and checked out the doll collection based on the Bratz dolls. The best Bratz games of all, however, are online.

There are hundreds of Bratz websites out there just waiting for someone to log in and play. In fact, many of them don’t even require you to log in before going into the gaming portion of the site. Of the various dress up game sites online, Bratz games are easily the most fashionable.

The Bratz are fashion forward as it is, but when designers are free to dream up hundreds of costumes that the Bratz would actually wear, the game gets much more exciting. You’re able to select a Bratz doll from the online choices, and then shift though the huge wardrobe collections in many of the games to find the look you absolutely love.

It’s almost guaranteed that the look you create for your Bratz game could easily be sold in stores to go with the Bratz doll in your room right now, but for the moment it’s safe on screen waiting to be printed or emailed to another Bratz enthusiast.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Funky, Fun Bratz Games

They’re funky, they’re fun , they’re Bratz! The Bratz burst on to the toy scene in a very big way, and they have made their presence known, especially to Barbie. Barbie is losing considerable numbers of sales to girls who opt for a Bratz doll rather than a more tried and true Barbie. Why do they switch?

Bratz Games reflect who kids are today. Kids today are much more informed and urban than we were years ago. They see things on movies and television that would be shocking to us in our youth. Because of this exposure, children are less satisfied to play with toys deemed childish or too preppy. Barbie appeals to those under eight for the most part with the older children not particularly caring for her classic good looks and goody-goody style.

Bratz are more realistic. Instead of the blonde bombshell, girls I know flock to the aisle with the Bratz dolls. They are looking for dolls that resemble their own skin tone and personalities. The Bratz dolls could easily be real people based on their personalities – if not their outrageous style. Barbie is much harder to imagine as a real person, probably because she’s still and formal even in her movies.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Holiday Bratz Games

This holiday, enjoy yourself in the company of your Bratz. Your Bratz dolls are just as interested in having a good time this holiday season as you are. After all, they are more than willing to dress u with you rand enjoy the lights and songs of the season.

The Start of the Holidays
For many, the holidays seem to start in a short matter of weeks after Halloween. Talk of Thanksgiving begins, vacations are planned and the yummy baking begins. Your Bratz dolls have their own plans for the holidays and luckily you’re invited to come along.

Bratz Games and Holidays
The Bratz will be playing wherever you are, be that online in the cooler evening wearing your first sweat suit of the season or in the car on the way to your grandmother’s house. Buy a few new cold weather outfits for your Bratz or make your own online to give them more options to wear this fall and winter. Don’t forget to design yourself a great winter outfit sure to wow your friends and family at all the dinners, gatherings and parties this holiday season.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Top Three Things to Love about Bratz Games

You don’t need to be told what is so great about Bratz games. You already live and breathe the dolls, websites and dress up games. But on the off chance you’re undecided as to your position on the Bratz games, you’ll soon find they are very easy to love.

Bratz games are hip and modern. Barbie was fun, but now that you’re older, the Bratz dolls are really the only way to truly have a good time with fashion (when your online and off!)

Bratz games deal with the fashion you like. Unless you happen to love peach ball gowns, it’s more likely you love the Bratz way of things than the Barbie way. Bratz are urban and trendy. They wear the things you’d like to wear – end of story.

Bratz games are everywhere. Whether you’re looking for a Bratz game online or a new doll in the store, you can find what you need virtually anywhere. The dolls are everywhere and the games are even more common online now than they were just a few months ago. They are popular for a very good reason – try a few rounds to see why!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Stealing Fashion Ideas from Bratz Games

Of course you’re not a thief, but sometimes a little stealing can’t hurt. Granted you shouldn’t march into the toy store and walk out with the latest Bratz wardrobe additions to add to your collection – unless you pay for them, that is, but stealing the look of the Bratz dolls and characters is easy enough. Online Bratz games even let you practice your new look before shopping.

When you’re trying to look cute and wear the latest styles, it can be a challenge to pull everything together the way some girls are able to. The Bratz have great style, and when you use the Bratz games in toy stores and online, you can get great style, too. From the best skirt and boot combinations to the best way to layer jackets and tops, getting ready for school will be easier than ever thanks to your dolls.

Head online and play with the available Bratz games. Design a few outfits that you really like and save the images on your computer. As you find something you really like, start a list of the items necessary to create the look – be specific including the kind of fit – skinny jeans and flared jeans are very different, after all. Then, with your list in hand, you can start working through your closet and the stores to find the right things to define your new Bratty look.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Bratz Games: Fashion Forward

It’s no secret the Bratz are totally fashion forward. These girls know how to dress and are always into the latest styles. Unlike other fashion games, the Bratz are ready to take on any style, and between the various dolls, every style imaginable is covered. In some cases, the Bratz styles are so forward thinking, they haven’t even hit shelves yet in the mall.

If you love fashion, that you probably already have a few Bratz dolls. But if you haven’t already discovered them, Bratz games even better than the dolls and the latest wardrobes are awaiting you online. Online Bratz games give you hundreds of fashion ideas and an ever-changing selection of clothing to choose from.

Find games to dress up the various Bratz girls, or you might find Bratz Babyz or even the Bratz Boys online. Play with the online fashions and learn from the different styles available. It’s hard to go wrong when the clothing is already selected for you and laid out among the various choices, so it’s simply fun to learn how the various looks come together and how you can use them in your own fashion forward life.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Power of Make Believe

If anyone has ever told you that playing Bratz games is a waste of time, look him in the eye and let him know that playing games is very much a good thing – Bratz games inspire the power of make believe.

Make Believe
As children, we are born with a huge imagination. We can be anyone and do anything. As we age, a lot of that imagination is beat out of us and we don’t spend as much time playing, learning or letting our curiosity run wild. When you play a game such as Bratz games, you are allowing your mind to work in a way that helps it learn and grow – and you’ll have fun at the same time.

Enjoying Creativity
Those who are naturally creative and enjoy playing games are able to enjoy life much more than those who must be boring and do things they think are the “right” things for their age. Who cares if you’re fifteen and playing Bratz games? Obviously the rest of the high school just doesn’t know how much fun the games can be.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Three New Bratz Games

Always looking for something new in Bratz games? There are new additions to the online offerings every day, but some of the most fun you can have with the Bratz characters is offline – in you bedroom or living room, playing with your collection of Bratz dolls.

Prom Night
If you have both the Bratz dolls and the Bratz Boyz, you can stage a full prom night. What can be more fun than getting everyone dressed up and then bringing around the car to pick them up, take then to eat and then on to a night of dancing and fun. If you don’t have the right kinds of outfits for Prom night, you might consider making your own using some simple sewing techniques.

You have the Bratz that sing, but have you ever staged a full concert? Have you Barbies do a warm-up number and then bring on the Bratz dolls to jam and sing for everyone’s entertainment.

Take your Bratz dolls on a campout. Head into the backyard with a blanket for a tent and have a blast playing a Bratz game in the wilderness. Light a “campfire” using a flashlight and cook whatever delicious campfire food you want before turning in for the night and telling a few ghost stories.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Bratz for Halloween

If there was ever a time to become a Brat, this is it. Halloween is always the prefect time of year to try something new and different and this year is no exception. There are four Bratz to choose from without even considering the newest additions to the Bratz line. Fine your favorite and prepare for a fun Halloween adventure.

Choose a Bratz Game
Pick one of the Bratz characters before starting to assemble a costume. You might do best to make a list of Bratz dolls you won’t mind being with the most desirable on the top and the one you’d hate the most down near the bottom. Everything in the middle is likely acceptable, even if it’s not your favorite.

Find the Gear
Your next step is to find the gear you need to transform into that Bratz character. You might be able to find the right costume and masks at the costume shop in your size, but most likely you’ll have to pull your own version of the Bratz dolls together. Study the style of the doll you plan to imitate. Then copy her style before you head to the thrift store or mall to get the right pieces.

Assemble Yourself
Pull your outfit together and get dressed. Your final step will be to don a Bratz mask or to do your hair in a convincing version of your favorite dolls.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Bratz Car Games

If you’ve been stuck in a car for hours on end, you know how boring it can be and how quickly your electronic things seem to run out of batteries. When you have nothing else to do, or instead of doing something you’ll get bored of quickly, pull out your Bratz dolls and get busy creating imaginary worlds for your dolls to play in while you travel.

The best car games last a long time and involve plenty of creativity. You might find that letting your sister, mother or even brother play with the dolls along with you makes the time go by even faster. Of course, if you’d rather keep the dolls to yourself for a little while to play your own version of Bratz games, that is perfectly acceptable as well.

The Bratz have their own cars, namely a jeep and Volkswagen. But when you’re riding in the backseat of your car, its probably too hard to bring the bulky Bratz car along. What you should bring, however, is a bag to hold all of your Bratz game gear and maybe a few other things to work on while you’re traveling. Let your mind wander and you’ll be sure to come up with some terrific new plots and ideas for things your Bratz can do in the imaginary world of the Back Seat.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Why Attitude Matters

You’ve likely heard tales of how attitude can land you in hot water. Of course, the Bratz games are full of attitude, so it’s hard to remember sometimes that they aren’t real girls – just a fashion game. But if you have a bit of attitude about life, you’re actually in a better position for the long run.

Attitude Makes You Strong
If you have attitude, you are likely tougher than someone who is meek and mild. Life can be rough at times, so having some attitude is like having armor. Just be sure that the armor doesn’t get so tough you lose friends and can’t really be nice to anyone.

Attitude Makes You a Leader
When you aren’t afraid to express yourself and you know that sometimes you have to take risks to be successful, that attitude can make you a leader. Why else does everyone love Bratz games? Those girls know what they want and aren’t afraid to go out and get it.

Attitude Gets You Noticed
In situations where you are just one in hundreds or maybe thousands, having the right kind of attitude can get you noticed. If everyone is grouchy, but you are able to laugh about it and blow off the small stuff that is so irritating to everyone else, you’ll soon notice that your popularity is increasing. Everyone likes to be around the person who can see the silver lining in any storm cloud.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Three Ways to Get Out of Trouble Fast

Bratz have a bit of a reputation for being bad and having some attitude. It’s likely you might even a bit of an attitude yourself if you love playing Bratz games. That reputation might even have landed you in the hot seat a time or two with your mom or teachers. When you’re in trouble, you want to get out of there as quickly as possible. Here’s how:

Adopt a Positive Attitude
Adults hate it when kids are whiny and deny something they did wrong. If you’re sulky and grumpy, you’re not helping your case any. Let your guard down a bit and even be a bit cheerful as you accept your punishment. This might catch the adult off guard and even get you out of any punishment all together.

Often we are so busy defending ourselves and offering excuses, we forget to apologize or what it was we actually did wrong. Offer a sincere apology first and you might get off with a lighter sentence.

Own Your Mistake
If you really did mess up, there is nothing worse than trying to pin that mistake on someone else. “He made me do it,” or “It’s your fault you made me mad!” aren’t going to fly when you’re in trouble. Just own up to your wrongdoing and offer to make it right. Your maturity will gain you a lot of respect.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are Bratz Trashy?

There seems to be a strong set of individuals who feel as though the Bratz girls are a bit, ahem, trashy. The group I refer to are frequent visitors on a Bratz game website, and don’t seem to mind the games, but are a bit concerned about the morality of the Bratz dolls. By that I mean they are flat out calling the dolls skanky.

The primary focus was on the Bratz Halloween costumes. It seems that there is a Halloween costume available for the dolls that is very reminiscent of the Playboy Bunny. Does having this costume make the dolls trashy? It’s up to you.

Some feel that any doll designed for children should reflect a high set of morals. Others feel like the costume is just the same as the ones you see in costume shops and party stores around that time of year. It’s hard to say whether a single costume makes the girls a bit skanky, but there is always an option available to those who’d like to play with the dolls. If you’re concerned about the morality of your own Bratz games, simply opt for the angel or pumpkin costume instead.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bratz Games Are Too Much For Some

There is a line drawn in the proverbial sand of cyberspace. While many love Bratz games and don’t mind that the dolls seem to be a bit too sexy for the younger crowd, others are starting to boycott the games because they don’t think the games are exactly suitable for all audiences.

Every now and again a concerned group will start a protest of one kind or another regarding a certain manner of game, clothing brand, or food store. In this case, the Bratz games are being targeted by those who don’t like the message they believe the dolls are sending. In their eyes, the dolls are too sexy for young audiences and this makes Bratz games an inappropriate toy.

Too Much?
The only problem with the boycott is that for every individual who is not playing Bratz games, there are plenty more who love to dress up the sultry little dolls in cute, urban gear. Are the dolls too much? That’s hard to say. Personally, I think the dolls are fine for older girls who love real fashion. If a parent thinks the dolls are too much, don’t buy them. It seems it should be as simple as that.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bratz Games Romance

One of the best parts of playing Bratz games is that you can match up the adorably stylish Bratz dolls with their Bratz Boys. Sure there are supposed to be actual matches, but many girls enjoy making more complicated scenarios for their dolls to enjoy romantically. Some of the favorites include:

The Bratz Love Triangle
Cloe loves Cameron, or at least likes him a lot. But Cameron is completely oblivious to this because he secretly longs to be with Yasmin. Yasmin is, naturally, obsessed with Eitan who really likes Sasha. The drama you create is outrageous, but that’s just the start of the fun when you get to create fights over the boys and turn friends against each other over the love of a man. But hey, it’s just like real life!

The Perfect Romance
As much fun as it can be to twist all the romances into a giant mess, it’s also fun to make two of your Bratz dolls fall desperately in love with each other. The two become an exclusive item and their fashion sense propels them to the mall on the weekends and the prom every chance you get.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Why We Should All Be Bratz

I’ll admit that I have a certain longing to be a Bratz doll from time to time. No, I’m not just dying to become a small plastic creation with great hair, I just want to live out the ideal, fabulous life that I usually give my own dolls during various Bratz games. If I were a Bratz doll, I’d:

Be wonderfully fashionable. Have you ever noticed your Bratz doll not decked out in something great? The fashions for the dolls are always trendy and cute, and if I had my way, my closet would be full of coordinated outfits especially designed to make me look like I pulled them together at the last minute.

Have great hair. Bratz always have good hair. I’d love to have the chance to brush my hair once a day instead of once an hour to keep it looking good, but until I grow plastic strands, I believe I’m stuck with what I have.

Be part of an awesome pack of friends. The Bratz group would be so much fun to be part of. The girls have a good time shopping, talking and catching up. Of course, my friends now are fun, but maybe we can all become Bratz together to take advantage of a near perfect existence.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

What’s So Hot with Bratz Games?

Bratz games get plenty of people hot under the collar – why? Because the Bratz girls are, well, a bit hot. Bratz dolls are designed to be attractive with their big lips and even bigger eyes. They dress in a sexy way and look very hip and urban.

This makes a lot of people uncomfortable – why? Because they are uncertain about whether or not they want their children playing with the dolls. This means, that Bratz games are too hot for some audiences.

Is it true?

It’s up to you. It’s definitely true that Bratz games are a bit edgier than Barbie and her friends. The Bratz wear clothing that’s a little bit tighter and low cut than more traditional fashion dolls, but that’s the style today. In fact, if you dressed as well as your Bratz dolls, you’d be doing a great job in the fashion department.

So what do we do about the dolls and games that are too hot for younger audiences? I’m sure the experts have many different ideas on the topic. As far as I’m concerned, give them Barbies to play with and leave the good games to the more experienced girls of the world.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Three More Reasons to Love Bratz Games

Think you know Bratz? Bratz games are definitely fun and they are a great way to spend time with your favorite characters, but now there are even more great reasons to love your Bratz games.

1.Bratz games are even more controversial. With the recent lawsuit, the future of the Bratz dolls and Bratz games are up in the air. This makes the games a bit scandalous, and that makes things just a bit more fun. After all, who doesn’t love a bit of adventure.

2.Bratz games are constantly changing. There is always something new and different out there on the web. It’s rare to find two of the same Bratz game, so you should always be on the lookout for what’s new and exciting – every time you’re online. You never know what you’ll find – Baby Bratz, Bratz Boys, or just the original Bratz ready for a fashion makeover.

3.Bratz games are fun to share. Now you can share your fun even more easily. Simply email the games to a friend, and then play together while sending each other different versions of the same doll or totally different creations.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Bratz Games Under Attack

Bratz games have always been under attack it would seem thanks to pouty mouths and skimpy outfits, but sometimes competition is a bit painful – at least for Barbie. She’s been alone in the fashion doll kingdom for eons it seems when a pack of urban fashionistas shows up to give her a hard time.

Unfortunately for the Bratz, Barbie knows how to fight back. A court battle came about regarding who actually owns the ideas for Bratz dolls, and Barbie actually won. While this might be the biggest battle Bratz have fought, it’s also likely the first they have actually lost – and with good reason.

The most popular argument against Bratz dolls is how alluring some of the dolls are in their urban outfits with flirty eyes. Yet, even though some people call for a ban or a stop to production, all that boycotting simple makes the Bratz more popular. A few years ago, Bratz very quietly overtook Barbie as the more popular fashion doll. The Bratz games were able to do this quietly because everyone else was shouting for and against them.

Now times have changed just a bit and it’s not sex appeal that’s under fire – it’s the future of the dolls. Bratz games are under attack, and the winner isn’t at all clear.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is This The End of Bratz Games?

A bad thing happened to the Bratz dolls recently. Barbie sued the dolls and won. Now Bratz are going to have to pay up, and the amount of money involved might make it hard for the Bratz dolls and games to continue the way they normally do. In fact, there is talk that Barbie, or really her company, Mattel, might get to have the Bratz line of dolls and there will be nothing left of Bratz as we know them.

Is this the end for Bratz dolls? Not likely. Here’s why:

The Bratz dolls make a lot of money. In each of the last four years, the dolls have earned over $250million in profits. They have to pay a $40 million fine. If nothing else happens, the fine will be paid and the Bratz games will continue in the same way as they have for the last five years.

The Bratz dolls make plenty of money for anyone. If the dolls change hands, Mattel might be mad, but it’s not a foolish company. The entire line of Bratz dolls are worth a lot of money. Mattel, if it knows what it’s doing, will simply continue the Bratz the same way. This will bring the company as much or more money.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Learning New Bratz Games

When you reach a point where you feel like you’ve done everything you can with your Bratz dolls, it’s obviously time to expand your repertoire and find something new. It’s obvious that you need some new Bratz games and soon. Here are a few places to look for ideas:

Bratz Website - The Bratz website has all kinds of games, projects and activities to try. You might leave your Bratz dolls behind and get online with Bratz instead. The Bratz website is a great starting point, but there are plenty of other websites with Bratz games as well.

Bratz Packaging – The Bratz dolls and activities often come in a box decorated with ideas about how to use that particular doll. This means you can simply read the package or look over the pictures to get great ideas about how to use your dolls in a new way.

Bratty Friends – If your friends have Bratz games, they are probably your absolute best source of new ideas for games and activities. Share your favorite online Bratz games and your favorite one to play with your dolls, and ask her to do the same. Pretty soon, the two of you will have lots of new places to try out.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Fun of Bratz Games

Bratz games are fun; there is no way around it. Not that you’d want to go around it, but the truth remains – if you want to have a good time online, Bratz games are the obvious solution. The question so many people might be wondering is this – What makes Bratz games so fun? The answers are easy!

There are so many kinds of Bratz games. Unlike some websites that only offer a few choices when it comes to games, there are hundreds of Bratz games all over the internet from people all over the world. There are so many, in fact, that’s it virtually impossible to try them all!

Bratz games are challenging in a fashionable way. When you have the reputation of the Bratz fashion to live up to, it’s a bit intimidating to be faced with a Bratz dress up game. But go it you must! Plan your outfits carefully and don’t be afraid to try new looks and combinations.

Bratz games are something you can share with friends. When you play Bratz games, it’s likely you have a friend who really likes to play, too. Invite her over the two of you can spend hours creating new looks for the dolls.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

You Bratty Thing

Bratz games are fun, but sometimes you might take the action a bit too far. How do you know when Bratz games have gotten the best of you – is it when you change your name to Sasha or Cloe? No – it’s when you become one with the Bratz.

If you live in a make-believe world of high fashion and enlarged features, you’re definitely one of them. While becoming a Brat isn’t as terrible as becoming a pod person, it might not be good for your image if you suddenly shun all your old friends in favor of their plastic counterparts.

No matter how much fun you have playing Bratz games at home, you simply can’t take that kind of fun with you all the time. Your teachers might give you funny looks when you pull four friends out of your backpack during a group work exercise. And there is little or no chance of talking to that cute boy when your friends at lunch barely fit in a chair and have only recorded messages to say.

Granted, it’s unlikely anyone would take their love of Bratz games to this level, but when you start poofing our your lips and widening your eyes, you know it’s time to take a step back, put down the doll and find something else to do for a little while.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Plan a Bratz Party

Want to make your weekend even more fun than usual? Skip the usual sleepovers and have a Bratz party instead. You can make your party a slumber party if you’re allowed which makes the fun last that much longer – plus slumber parties are a great way to get to know your friends that much more.

To throw your own Bratz party, you’ll need a collection of friends with their Bratz dolls. It doesn’t matter which dolls they bring, but in a perfect world, all of your dolls will be from the same collection so that you can share clothing. If you have a friend who doesn’t already have a doll, she can come, but you might encourage her to get money from her parents to buy one for this special occasion.

The first step in your party, once all the guests have arrived, is to take the crew to the local toy store. Here everyone will shop for a new outfit or accessory for their Bratz dolls. Hopefully you can arrange different outfits for everyone so that there are enough to swap and share.

Then head back home for hours of Bratz games as you have fun trying on new outfits, combining looks to create your own fashions and then settling down for a screening of the Bratz movie complete with popcorn and goodies.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bratz Games at School

Want to play Bratz games at school? You can! Here’s how:

Bratz Kidz fit nicely into a backpack, so you can take your Bratz dolls and your outfits with you to school. Then, when you have time before classes or in the library, simply pull them out and enjoy a bit of authentic Bratz games.

The Be-Bratz website is a great way to kill time in the school library or the computer lab where games are allowed. Your membership at home can serve you well at school, too> Plus it never hurts to check on your Bratz friends online to make sure everyone is doing well while you’re away.

Print out Bratz dolls from other Bratz games online and then you can cut them out and have the dolls on hand. Use them to trace new outfits when math class gets too dull or let your friends have a turn at the lunch table. The more you print out, the more fun you can have. Print out a single doll, or print out all the friends and then some outfits, too. You might not be able to go online at school, but you can still have your Bratz games close at hand.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Best Things about Bratz Games

As a big fan of Bratz games, it’s easy to list what makes these games so very special:

Bratz games are fashionable. The Bratz dolls are leading fashion figures for kids, so Bratz games help us learn more about what it takes to look good in a variety of styles. Bratz wear so many different types of clothes, it’s easy to find a look that suits you on one of the Bratz.

Bratz games are harmless. Unlike other games that will get you in trouble with teachers or parents, there isn’t much to complain about with Bratz games.

Bratz games have terrific variety. There is more to the world of Bratz games than just a few dolls to dress up. Of course, dressing up the dolls is great fun, but so are Flash Bratz games, character games and all the other offerings on various Bratz games websites.

Bratz games are very enjoyable. Even shorter – they’re fun! It’s hard to stay away from Bratz games once you have given them a try. Manipulating fashion and finding new looks for both an online Bratz doll as well as yourself is actually highly addictive in a very good way. Try it! You’ll see…

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Handmade Bratz Clothes

If you have the ability to sew and a bit of a design flair, you might have the foundation of a profitable little business. Handmade Bratz clothes are selling well at craft shows and other venues around North America, so there is no better time to cash in on your fashion abilities.

Designing your own Bratz clothes has plenty of advantages;
  • You get to play with your Bratz dolls even when you’re all grown up.
  • You have a chance to use those sewing skills your grandmother took all that time to teach you.
  • You’ll get an A+ in sewing class.
  • You have a chance to try out fashion designs and prepare for your dream of being a true fashion designer someday.
  • You have a creative outlet for all those idea and artistic urges that flow through your veins.
  • You have a chance to make a name for yourself in the fashion world – if only in the Bratz fashion world at this point. (But hey! It’s a start!)
  • You have a chance to earn some pocket money. And who knows? Maybe your clothes will earn a bit more than pocket change once they start to get popular in your area.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Once you have Bratz doll, you’ve likely had a chance to try out Be-Bratz. After all, having a doll is the only way you can get the code and password to get in the site. But once you’re in, you’ll have a great time playing Bratz games.

The best things to do on Be-Bratz are the various dress up games. Of course these aren’t the only Bratz dress up games online, but they are definitely fun. Play a few rounds of games on the site and earn points toward online Bratz gear.

You can also personalize your own page on the site and invite your friends to come play, too. While you’re on the site, you can also adopt a pet and then the more often you visit the site, the more your pet will thrive. You have to feed her, pet her and take care of her to keep your virtual Bratz pet happy and healthy.

Perhaps the most fun you’ll have on the Be-Bratz website is taking your character to the salon where you can totally personalize her look. Make your online Bratz doll look as much like you or as different from you as you want – it’s what the games are all about!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Fashion Clearance!

It’s getting into the middle of summer, and for the fashionistas and Bratz game fans out there, it means only one thing – fashion clearance season!

There are two times a year that stores go wild trying to clear out merchandise. The first is right after Christmas. If you were to visit a store in January or February, you’d find the shelves covered with bargain items. This is the time after the Christmas rush but before the spring and summer clothes arrive. The other time for excellent bargains on fashion is when stores are gearing up for “Back to School.”

It’s much too soon to think about heading back to school, but stores have to. They must move out all the summer clothes and anything left from previous seasons to start fresh with new items for the fall. And of course, that means everything goes on sale in a big way.

Take yourself to your favorite store and bring along Mom and her credit cards. Stockpile as many basics as you can while they are on a super discount – jeans, t-shirts, and shorts are pretty generic, plus you can wear them year after year if you’re done growing. The trendy items you’ll want to pick through carefully. If an item is on sale that is still very popular right this minute, go ahead and snatch it up. You can wear it the rest of the summer. But if it’s already on the way out, don’t bother with it, even if it’s on a great sale – you’ll never wear it anyway.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bratz as Best Friends?

If you like Bratz games and have played around and watched the Bratz movies, you’ve likely seen how the group of girls interact together. They are best friends, but all pretty different – not unlike the four girls in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants or Babysitter’s Club. But when you see a group of friends, you can’t help but wonder what your role would be if you were thrown into the mix.
Bratty Best Friends?
What would it be like to be best friends with the Bratz? It’s likely that the thought’s crossed your mind, but if not, here are a few points to think about:

What makes you different? Each of the Bratz has a characteristic that makes them stand out. One is a photographer, one is a diva, one is all about music and the other is a great athlete. What do you do that would help to define your roll in the group?

Are you fashion forward? If you only wear what everyone else is wearing, you’re probably not trendy enough for the Bratz clique. The girls are totally fashion forward, often the first to try out something new and different, and you should be, too.

Are you friendly? Despite their name, the Bratz don’t act bratty or stuck up. If you love fashion, you can’t start trash talking everyone else who might not dress or act as well as you do. It’s all about being classy.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bratz Games: Good, Not Bad

Bratz games always seem to be getting flack about being bad for young girls. As you probably know some parents and groups are concerned about the dolls being sexy and dressing a bit to provocatively for young girls. They think that we’ll all start wearing mini skirts and plumping up our lips to maximize our youthful good looks. And they may be right, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

Bratz games help us to learn what’s in style. Not every doll is wearing something club worthy. The girls do have to go to school, you know. Just check out the Bratz movies, and you can see that miniskirts and such have their place in the fashion world, but so do jeans and all the other things kids your age already wear.

Bratz games keep us off the streets. If people are so concerned about kids looking too sexy or dressing provocatively, they can thank Bratz games for keeping us off the streets at least. I’m exaggerating, obviously, but it’s unlikely I’ll be sitting here in a miniskirt playing Bratz games.

Bratz games stimulate the mind. Playing almost any type of computer game has been shown to help the mind in some way, and Bratz games are not the exception. Bratz games test your creativity and eye for color and design. Some flash Bratz games might even test your speed and dexterity.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bratz Games Help You Stay Young?

It’s no secret that acting young will make you feel young – for the most part. Living life to the fullest helps keep you in good spirits, and plenty of exercise will give your body the flexibility and strength it needs to keep your whole system fresh and youthful. So, even if you’re already youthful, which you probably are, you can stay that way with the help of Bratz games.

Updated Fashion Sense
When you play with Bratz, you’ll have an insider’s look into fashion. You’ll know the latest styles and how to wear them thanks to the fashionable friends that make up the Bratz collection. If you can’t pull your own looks together, you can count on there being an outfit that’s easy to copy from a Bratz doll. This will help you look youthful and hip.

Playing Bratz games is inspiring activity. All that walking through the mall gets the blood pumping as does trying on countless outfits. But really, most of the Bratz dolls actually play sports meaning it’s completely fashionable (and fun) to be very active in school sports or ones of your own choosing.

Mentally Sharp
Bratz games online will help you with the most important skill of all – keeping your mind sharp. Mental ability and awareness might not keep the body looking you, but it will help your mind to work just as well as when you were young – better, actually since your brain is still developing well into your twenties.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Punk Princess

The best thing about Bratz games is how they inspire us to try new fashion trends we might not have considered without guidance from the little fashionistas. Jade, one of the original Bratz, might not be punk, but she’s also not afraid to try out the latest and greatest cutting edge styles.

And those cutting edge styles are often what makes punk style so appealing. How often have you seen new styles modeled on your favorite singers, only to see them appear in stores and on Bratz dolls just a few months later?

Punk is more than a fashion style (and type of music, of course), it’s an entire lifestyle compete with expectations for new designs and new and improved ways of wearing the old designs. The Bratz were some of the first dolls to truly show a bit of hip and urban feel in their clothing making them small versions of punk princesses.

Naturally, if you’re going to give the punk style a try, you’ll also want to try it with a bit of pizazz all your own. Shop thrift stores and boutiques like Jade to find what’s new and what needs to be new again. Then, model your own style and you can be a true punk princess, too.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Flirty Fun!

Want to be bratty? Why not play Bratz games somewhere other than online or at your house. The Bratz are about more than just dressing up and looking good, although that’s an excellent start to Bratz games. The girls are also about music, finding new fashion trends, and even batting those big flirty eyes at the Bratz Boyz.

So why don’t you play along?

Gather a group since it’s always easier to be bold and daring in a group situation, and then turn on your flirt power. Think about how confident and stylish the Bratz are. Then become a Brat, yourself. Dress to look your absolute best. This will give you confidence and boost your self esteem.

Strut your stuff to the beat of your own drummer. You know your mind and you’re not going to let anything stand in the way of what you want. And maybe you have your heart and mind set on a particular boy already.

While you’re in your Bratz flirting mode, flip your hair back and head his direction. Walk past with a friend or on your way to the lunch line and throw him a big smile. You might even give him a little wink. With clues like that, he’ll have no question that you’re very sure of yourself – and sure that you want him to notice.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bratz Babyz and Bratz Kidz

If you’re into Bratz games, you already know about the younger version of the popular Bratz dolls. Bratz Babyz and Bratz Kidz

Bratz Babyz
When the Bratz Babyz were introduced, the smaller (and younger) version of the Bratz dolls took us back a notch. They looked a bit different than we were expecting and we couldn’t do much with them since their hair was molded. But now there are more Bratz Babyz to complete the collection and they come with better hair, better accessories and a better reputation. Lil’ Angelz are even cuter as they are infant versions of the Bratz dolls.

Bratz Kidz
If the Lil’ Angelz are the youngest version of the Bratz followed by the Bratz Babyz, the Bratz Kidz pick up where the line leaves off. The Bratz Kidz are shorter versions of the Bratz dolls that come with different interchangeable outfits and super style. Last year, the Bratz Boyz Kidz made the scene and these guys are a fun addition to the collection as well as the stars of some of the latest Bratz movies. The most current movie is a fairy tale, but there isn’t a line of Bratz dolls to go with it – yet.