Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is This The End of Bratz Games?

A bad thing happened to the Bratz dolls recently. Barbie sued the dolls and won. Now Bratz are going to have to pay up, and the amount of money involved might make it hard for the Bratz dolls and games to continue the way they normally do. In fact, there is talk that Barbie, or really her company, Mattel, might get to have the Bratz line of dolls and there will be nothing left of Bratz as we know them.

Is this the end for Bratz dolls? Not likely. Here’s why:

The Bratz dolls make a lot of money. In each of the last four years, the dolls have earned over $250million in profits. They have to pay a $40 million fine. If nothing else happens, the fine will be paid and the Bratz games will continue in the same way as they have for the last five years.

The Bratz dolls make plenty of money for anyone. If the dolls change hands, Mattel might be mad, but it’s not a foolish company. The entire line of Bratz dolls are worth a lot of money. Mattel, if it knows what it’s doing, will simply continue the Bratz the same way. This will bring the company as much or more money.

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