Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bratz Games and Babysitting

If you happen to be a babysitter, your Bratz collection is a great addition to your backpack of tricks. Next to the markers and coloring books, you can throw in your Bratz dolls, Bratz Kidz and Bratz Babyz. Having all of the collections on hand will give you options when it’s time to find something entertaining for the young charges to do.

The Young Crowd
If you’re babysitting a toddler, she won’t care which of the dolls she gets to play with since she can’t really process the kind of clothing the dolls are wearing. In general, however, you should use the Bratz Babyz with young children as they are larger and easier to handle. Plus they look more like the kids. If you use the Bratz with little kids, be very careful and never offer them anything with small pieces that can be swallowed.

The Older Crowd
The older children are much more discerning. For these, you’ll want to pull out all of your dolls and let them decide which to play with. Bring along all the extra outfits, of course, and give them free run to dress the dolls and play with them in any fashion so long as they aren’t hurt and you get everyone back into the backpack when it’s time to go home.

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