Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bratz Games and Money

While the arguments about the ownership of the Bratz games might sound altruistic on a certain level, it’s not any more thrilling than the bottom line. The fight over the Bratz game isn’t over who had the better idea of when the idea actually occurred. The problem is that the Bratz made a lot of money, and Mattel, the company fighting for the dolls, wants a piece of that. It’s not a new story, companies exist to make money, and if there is a perceived theft or even if there just appears to be one, companies are quick to move on it – who would want to watch millions of dollars simply walk off to another company?

The trouble with the Bratz dolls is that they are now in a limbo state and not really making anyone the kind of money they were just a few years ago. Bratz games were hugely popular and accounted for almost half of the fashion doll market at one time. Today, they are hard to find on the shelves and there are plenty of similar looking dolls edging in on the competition. Bratz games will be hurt in a big way if things aren’t settled soon so that the money-grubbing companies can get back to selling them again.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Bratz Games and Music

I don’t know why exactly, but the Bratz games make me think of music when I see them. I don’t have the same experience with the Barbie dolls, and I think the different lies in the fundamental differences between Bratz games and Barbie games. The Bratz games are more urban; they are edgy and controversial. The clothing is hip, the eyes are big, the lips are lush, they are downright sexy for little plastic toys, but Barbie can’t really say the same any more.

Of course, Barbie is still sporting some serious curves and that long blonde hair and figure would normally throw her into the sexy doll category as well, but somehow it doesn’t. Barbie has been carefully marketed as a conservative girl who can safely appeal to younger girls. She is only marginally edgy, and a lot of that edge is worn out since she appears dressed as princesses just as often as she does in some revealing bathing suit or ball gown. When I see Barbie I think of princess movie show tunes. When I see the Bratz games, I think of bass booming stereos – which would you prefer as a young girl?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bratz Games on Television

I’m not a huge television fan. There is too much going on in my life to get through any lengthy television shows. That doesn’t mean, though, that I don’t watch any television at all. I was surprised the other day to discover the Bratz games on the television screen. Of course there are the occasional commercials for Bratz games and other toys, but this was the original Bratz movie. I managed to flip through channels at the exact time the Bratz movie was on. It was a fun find for me – a huge Bratz games fan.

The Bratz games movie is based on the original four dolls. Real teenage girls play the characters on the screen, so they don’t look exactly like the pouty faced Bratz dolls, but they did have the friendship and urban style that the Bratz games do. In the movie, the friends struggle to maintain close bonds and end up splitting a bit before coming back to together over time to the friendship that they share. While it didn’t win any Academy Awards, it’s not a bad flick – especially if you like the Bratz games.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lunchboxes, Toothbrushes and Other Bratz Games

I am a huge fan of character merchandise. I have no problem displaying my love of a certain character on things like a backpack or folder so that everyone can see how much I like different shows or toys. I was glad to see the other day that I’m not the only one who apparently feels this way. A new friend of mine at school shares the same preferences – she has Bratz games on everything she carries around.

There hasn’t been much available lately in the Bratz lines of merchandise. All of the lawsuits and drama surrounding that sort of thing has limited the options available for Bratz characters showing up on different things. You just can’t find much with the Bratz games. My friend did though, and I am suitably impressed. It started with a lunchbox. She carries a metal lunchbox around with her lunch and some snacks every day. It is covered with adorable Bratz games. I then realized she has Bratz notebooks and pencils. I haven’t asked her where it came from, but when I do I might just have my own Bratz game lunchbox to match hers.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Brats Games and School Days

After being off all summer, it’s almost shocking how little time is left in the day when you get home from school. Bedtimes move earlier and mornings start much sooner. This leaves only a few hours for homework and entertainment and that’s definitely tough to handle for girls who love online games like the Bratz games. Fortunately, even though the hours are short, the Bratz games fit into that time frame beautifully.

Bratz games are easy to play, but they have so much to offer. In the span of fifteen minutes, you can forget about the rotten math test you had today or how hard the essay you’re supposed to write is going to be. You can actually enjoy fashion for a few minutes as you dress up the Bratz dolls and make them into something special. Why not take thirty minutes to play with the Bratz dolls after your homework is done. You’ll be able to see what’s current in fashion and you can plan out your outfit for the next day as well. Having fun and being prepared – what a fun role for Bratz games to play for you.