Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bratz Games for Gifts

I’ve always hesitated about giving Bratz games as a gift. For that matter I always balk a little bit about giving Barbies as a gift if I don’t know the family very well. It’s a tricky road to walk at times. Some families feel very strongly about the sorts of toys their children can play with. They would much rather the girls in their household play with something that isn’t all about tight clothing and fashion. They fear this sort of toy will make the young girls into stylish fasionistas who haven’t a lick of sense.

Many parents don’t let their boys play with guns either out of fear they will all become gun slinging gangsters someday. It’s a theory of parenting I might not agree with, but I don’t want to offend either. So for me that leaves me with many other sorts of gift ideas that are not Bratz games. Would the young girls love Bratz games? Probably. After all, enough girls loved the games to give Barbie a big run for her money, but for safety’s sake, I just stay away from giving Bratz games as a gift. 

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