Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mattel Has Its Own Bratz Games

It’s no secret that Mattel won the lawsuit against Bratz games. Mattel won, hands down, and now things are very much in a limbo state. Nobody seems to know what will happen next or when it will happen, but the only recent development that is known for sure is that the Bratz games won’t be going away any time soon. Mattel has launched its own line of the popular dolls.

After winning the lawsuit, Mattel owned all of the rights and what not for the Bratz dolls and seemed to be able to do anything they wanted with the dolls. So they started their own line of Bratz dolls and got ready to launch them. MGA, the founder of the Bratz dolls, was able to get the line stopped through the courts, however, making things that much more interesting. Now nobody seems to know what’s up or down with the Bratz dolls. Will Mattel be able to launch the new line? Will MGA come back with a stage-up? It’s up in the air, but it will be very interesting to watch.

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