Monday, October 29, 2012

Gifts and Bratz Games

I was pleasantly surprised the other day to see so many Bratz games on the shelf as stores prepare for the holiday season. I am an advance shopper and I like to get all of my buying out of the way as soon as possible, preferably before all the madness of the actual shopping season gets underway. This time as I cruised down the Bratz aisle, I was pleased to see so many different types of fashion dolls. Among those were the Bratz dolls that have been missing for awhile.

I realize that the dolls have certainly been around in one form or fashion for awhile, but after the lawsuits earlier this decade, the Bratz games seemed hugely diminished and there just weren't many on the shelves as there had been years ago. Now it looks as though things may be perking up for the fashion doll maker, because more Bratz games than ever are on the shelves, ready to be snatched up for a holiday present.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Over Bratz Games?

I’ll admit that there are times when I wonder if I’ll ever be over Bratz games. They aren't really designed for older kids, of course, but somehow the Bratz games keep dragging me back. I think it’s the style and the fashion that sucks us back in time after time, even when we claim that we’re over dolls and games of the sort. Let’s face it – it’s hard to ever be over Bratz games.

When you play Bratz games, you’re able to see the different sorts of fashion possibilities that are out there while, at the same time, playing with some of the dolls that you've loved since you were much younger. There are some things that are simply timeless, I guess. It’s funny what sticks with you the most from childhood, but the Bratz games are the perfect example of otherwise rather silly things that become sentimental. Do I need to play fashion games? Not really. But I still just love Bratz games.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Bratz Games for a New Generation

It’s startlingly to consider how quickly girls grow up and move on into new areas of play. For the Bratz dolls, they have successfully survived their first generation of girls and are moving quickly into the next generation of elementary aged girls ready to play with urban fashion dolls.

When the Bratz games first came on the scene, they were considered highly risque and a bit too blatant in their style of dress and fashion sense. Original critics notwithstanding, the Bratz games quickly became hugely popular with girls looking for something a bit beyond the saccharine sweetness of Barbie and her friends.

Now that the first batch of young girls to play with Bratz dolls have grown up and moved on into new things like crushes and texting, there are plenty of new youngsters ready to move up and take their place. All that is necessary, of course, is a love of fashion and sense of fun as well.