Friday, May 7, 2010

Bratz Games: If I Looked Like a Bratz Doll

I’m a bit quirky at times, but I’ll admit that I’ve actually stopped to think for a minute what life would be like if I were part of the Bratz games. What would life be like as a Bratz doll? I think the new Toy Story movie has a lot to do with my random musings about the secret life of toys, but regardless, there is definitely some food for thought there.

I think one of the most defining characteristics of the Bratz dolls is that they almost never get to be casual. I’m a casual kind of girl. I like to kick back and let the creative juices flow. But in the Bratz games, the dolls are always dressed to the tee. They look great but I’ll be willing to bet there are times that they don’t feel quite as great. Who really wants to be dressed up all of the time?

I’d also have a problem with the discussions the dolls would have. The Bratz game community is pretty small and I’m sure there would be plenty of discussion about Barbie and her crew. I’m not into turf wars per se and listening to one pack of fashion dolls take on another just isn’t really my thing.

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