Saturday, March 20, 2010

Why Bratz Games Will Always Survive

Bratz games are hardy where other toys come and go. The Bratz games blew into the scene years ago to tackle one of the icons of the toy industry- Barbie. While Bratz might not have defeated Barbie, they did make quite an impact on her market share before the legal aspects of the dolls started to crumble.

But before the lawsuits, Bratz games still managed to command half of the fashion doll marketplace in the span of five years. Barbie, meanwhile, is having trouble trying to stay on top of the urban dolls. For a time Barbie tried to compete directly with Bratz by introducing her own posse of urban friends, but things just fell apart in that direction. Now Barbie is doing something much better by targeting areas of the population that don’t enjoy the Bratz dolls.

The Bratz games meanwhile have been defeated in court, but are still standing strong producing dolls and keeping the label out of Mattel’s hands at least for a little while. The question is how much longer will Bratz be able to keep up legally.

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