Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bratz Games: The Real Fashion Dolls

I walked down the toy aisle today and I noticed that there are more than a few fashion dolls out there now.

Polly Pocket
I remember when Polly Pocket first came out, but now she’s more popular than ever. Little Polly has become quite a fashion icon of late. She has tons of tiny plastic outfits to snap on and even some accessories. This takes her from a pocket companion to something closer to a fashion doll.

The oldest of the fashion dolls just turned fifty, and she’s definitely still a presence in the fashion doll industry. I like to think of her as the older sister of fashion divas. She’s wholesome, she’s pure, she never does anything wrong. What’s not to love?

The Bratz are the best of the fashion dolls, however. They aren’t characters like the Barbie games are, and you can do quite a bit more with your Bratz dolls than you can with your other ones. Bratz look the way you’d like to, and playing with dolls that represent your own style is naturally more fun.

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