Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bratz Games for Emergencies

I’ve had a few emergencies in my day. I’d realize that I really wanted to try out something new fashion-wise, but didn’t have a thing to wear. I had plenty of pieces, but not really any true outfits. Fortunately there was a solution to my problem in Bratz games. Bratz games are all about fashion and there is much to learn from the little dolls.

The times that I’ve run into trouble, I don’t just head to the mall to see what everyone is wearing to the particular party or event. I take a totally different route. I look online for a newer Bratz games and then I start to play, By arranging all of the tops and bottoms, I can give my dolls any look I like and this is so much faster and better than trying to find the items on racks at my favorite stores.

When I manage to dress my Bratz doll in an outfit I find particularly interesting, I print her out and put her aside. I’ll usually create at least three different looks to be sure I have the basics covered before heading to the store or the mall. I use my three looks as a map for clothing to buy. I’ll piece together outfits that look almost identical to what I created online and then I know I’ll look great for whatever event created such an emergency.

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