Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Bratz Games Online

Since I realized the Bratz are off the shelves at my favorite large shopping center today, I had to rush home and be sure that the Bratz games I still love are available to me. And they are. The Bratz games are still safe online. The Bratz games online are a bit different than the ones you buy in the store. The primary difference is that one is virtual and the other is not. That means you play with one online and you play with the other in your room.

However, the other major difference between the Bratz games that are online or off is the availability. The Bratz games you’d usually buy in the store are rapidly disappearing thanks to a lawsuit. The dolls are coming off the shelves and making those of us who love the Bratz games a bit worried about what comes next. Fortunately, even with the dolls gone, the Bratz games online are available and ready to be played at any time. Simply dress up the Bratz doll base on the game with the available clothing and accessory and you’ll be back in the Bratz games business.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Bratz Games Dollhouse

I was in a major shopping center today and saw something that surprised me. I noticed that all of the Bratz games were on the clearance shelf. Most impressively I saw a full Bratz games doll house sitting there significantly on sale. I wondered about it but then realized that it must be coming true at last – perhaps the lawsuits and legal drama of the last year or two are coming to a head and the Bratz games are actually making a transition.

I don’t know that it would be a bad thing, really, for the Bratz to get a fresh start. They were pulled down by so much negative publicity with the trial and the accusations that went with it. The little dolls, of course, did nothing wrong except dress in clothing that was often deemed too short, but in the grand scheme of things, that’s not a major crime. Giving the Bratz games a fresh start would let them reemerge with a bang – new clothing, new styles, new marketing and hopefully no more new drama.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bratz Games and Fashions

I, for one, was relieved when the Bratz games came along. As much as I love Barbie and Polly Pocket, it’s nice to find some fashion dolls that seem to know something about our current fashions. Barbie has pretty princess dresses, but when it comes to her every day wardrobe, it has some serious flaws. Barbie dresses much like a Ralph Lauren commercial most of the time. It’s a bit annoying to a little girl who wants to look like her favorite pop star and not the model much beloved by her mother.

Bratz games, however, have answered this need for some younger, more urban fashion. Barbie dolls get married, Bratz dolls hang out with their friends and go to school in their hip cars. The Barbie dresses like a grown-up and Bratz dolls dress like saucy teenagers. If you were a young girl age eight going on sixteen which would appeal to you? There’s not a huge surprise that so many older girls start to leave their Barbies behind in favor of the Bratz games. The Bratz simply have more to offer them.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Would You Buy Bratz Games?

There is always so much controversy over the Bratz dolls. My favorite part of the drama is when mothers lean over and whisper to each other, out of their child's hearing of course, “Would you ever buy those Bratz games?”

Now, not only is the question unfair, it’s a bit misleading. Phrasing a question like that tells us all you want a “No, never!” in response, but are the Bratz games so unbearable that they deserve malicious whispers? Absolutely not.

The Bratz games get a lot of hype for being a bit alluring for fashion dolls. The dolls have doe-shaped eyes and tiny pouty mouths. The dolls dress provocatively at times and look a bit more realistic than some parents are comfortable with. They might be a bit too urban and trendy for some of us, but that doesn’t make the dolls bad by their nature. Bratz games are just that – games!

Nobody complains that the Ken doll looks a bit too anatomically correct under those molded underpants. But maybe they do and nobody cared. Those whispering about Bratz could take a lesson from that.