I’ve been inspired by the Bratz games as I’ve watched them in the stores and played with them online. The Bratz games might come under fire for things like having short skirts and alluring expressions on their faces, but I’ll admit that I’m intrigued by the dolls. I like the idea of independence, friends and the freedom of self expression. I might not personally be interested in wearing what the girls wear in the Bratz games collection, but I do like that they wear it because they want to.
Of course I realize that we’re talking about small plastic dolls, but the theory remains. The Bratz dolls are stylish, comfortable and they do what they want with their fashions. They are also good students and fast friends if the Bratz movie is to be believed. I like all of that about the dolls. Barbie is stylish as well, but she’s such as fan favorite now that it’s hard to feel inspired to love everything about Barbie – much easier to love everything about those crazy Bratz dolls instead.