Saturday, June 5, 2010

Understanding Bratz Games

If you’ve never played them, Bratz games can be difficult to understand. After all the games look so simple – a doll on the computer screen and plenty of clothing options. The Bratz games are relatively simple to play, but it’s not the simplicity of the games that are appealing, it’s the creativity that’s a part of the process.

When you play Bratz games, you start with a simple doll base. As you add clothing to the doll base, you’re designing your own looks and fashions using the items available. This requires only a basic understanding initially, but over time, you’ll see that the outfits and designs get more and more creative. This is the true value of the Bratz games. The more you play, the more designs and ideas you get to bring to life. When it’s all said and done, you’ve creating something lovely and simple that is just your own and you were able to really enjoy yourself in the process. Simple? Yes. Fun? Absolutely.

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